​Independent Sexual Abuse Investigations
Firefly Investigation - Dr. Michael Brown
Scope of Investigation:
​Line of Fire - Dr. Michael Brown, INC., retains FIREFLY to conduct an independent investigation into allegations of sexually abusive misconduct[1] By Dr. Michael Brown in his association with FIRE School of Ministry 2001 - 2002 (which is defunct as a campus school), The Line of Fire – Dr. Michael Brown ministries. (hereinafter referred to as LOF), (or any other ministry where Michael Brown held a
leadership position).
FIREFLY will post a public online survey that will be made available on February 5, 2025, to the broader FSM community (former and active) to assist the investigation team in collecting relevant information within the scope of this investigation.
This engagement is limited to the above-referenced scope that the parties have agreed to in this engagement agreement. Understanding that investigations can evolve as facts come to light, the parties agree that any material changes to the scope of this engagement will be conveyed in writing and signed by the parties.
[1] FIREFLY will take a wider view of sexual abuse and sexually abusive misconduct to include not only abuse within the historically narrow understanding of those terms (sexual assault and battery without consent) but also to include physical and nonphysical conduct that a person suffers, submits to, participates in, or performs due to the deception, manipulation, coercion, grooming (children and adults) and/or intimidation by another.
As it relates to this survey, the following definitions apply:
A survivor is any individual (regardless of age or gender) who is a victim of misconduct.
Misconduct is defined as any verbal, nonverbal and/or physical acts of an immoral, indecent, or sexual nature that are 1) unwelcome or 2) performed without consent or 3) committed by one in a position of authority upon a subordinate.
“Without consent” means that consent is not freely given or obtained, and is accomplished through force, intimidation, violence, manipulation, coercion, threat, deception, or misuse of authority or power.
Any person who is mentally or physically incapacitated is incapable of providing consent.
Please note that the online survey will be published on February 5, 2025